Saturday, September 22, 2012

Washington Area Counties Weathiest in U.S.


The Washington region dominates the latest list of highest income U.S. counties. New 2011 data from the Census Bureau show that Loudon and Fairfax counties held on in the top two spots, while Arlington moved into third place, up from fifth the year before. Even better, Prince William rose from ninth to seventh on the list, and Alexandria jumped from 39th to 26th.

Here are the Top Ten weathiest counties in America.

1 Loudoun VA 119,134

2 Fairfax VA 105,797

3 Arlington VA 100,735

4 Hunterdon NJ 99,099

5 Howard MD 98,953

6 Somerset NJ 96,360

7 Prince William VA 95,146

8 Fauquier VA 93,762

9 Douglas CO 93,573

10 Montgomery MD 92,909

Here’s the list of the
Top 100 wealthiest counties in America.