10 Things To Reinvent your relationship
1.) Let go of the past. Holding on to pains of yesterday won't allow you to forgive your partner or yourself.
2.) Create a fantasy vacation together. Plan it and talk about it even if you can't do it right away.
3.) Take a class together. Try something new or something you have always wanted to do(like dancing, tennis or golf).
4.) Give each other a make-over. Go to the mall and pick-out some clothes for each other.
5.) Remember why you fell in love. Recreate your first dates and things you did in those earlier days of your realtionship.
6.) Have lunch together once a week. Go somewhere new and treat it as a date.
7.) Do the unusual. Enjoy the full moon, lay on the grass and look at the stars. Go to a park and take a walk holding hands.
8.) Do a lazy weekend. Sleep in or just lounge around. No TV - just talk, or if you both like to read, read together.
9.) Ask your partner 20 questions about their favorite things(book, song, movie) - you mayl find out things you didn't know about your partner.
10.) Make the normal days a little extra special. Leave a "love note", take a shower together, or give each other a massage instead of TV.
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