Thursday, December 23, 2004

Britney Spears Top Star 2004???

"Access Hollywood" has named its "Top Ten Stars of 2004," with Britney Spears in the No. 1 spot.

The rankings are based on the number of stories the syndicated entertainment television show aired on each star. Spears — who was married twice, canceled a summer tour because of a knee injury and released a greatest hits album — topped the list with 119 stories.Beyonce is in the No. 2 spot, with 102 stories, followed by Donald Trump, 94 stories; Michael Jackson, 84 stories; Tom Cruise, 72 stories; Jessica Simpson, 69 stories; Paris Hilton, 63 stories; Nicole Kidman, 62 stories; Jennifer Lopez, 54 stories; and Whitney Houston, 52 stories.

"We want to thank these stars for helping to make 2004 the best in `Access Hollywood' history," executive producer Rob Silverstein said in a statement Tuesday Here's to more `can't miss' moments in 2005."

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