Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Washington Sports Update

A lot has happened recently in "Washington sports", so just a few quick opinions. The Washington Wizards have played remakablly well without the injured Gilbert Arenas this year. Caron Bulter has really stepped up his game. But, the Wizards need to keep playing hard if they are to make the playoffs this year and get over this current losing streak they are in.

The Maryland Terps men's basketball team has turned it's season totally around since December when they looked like one of the worst teams in the ACC and area. They have played great recently and need to keep winning at home to make the NCAA tournament this March. The women's team keeps winning and looks like a good chance to be in the Final 4 at tournament time.

The Washington Capitals have also turned their season around after a horrible start with their new coach, Broussard. They, too, must keep winning at home (and take a few on the road) to make the NHL play-offs. They may need to win their division to ensure a play-off spot.

The Redskins finally named a head coach, Jim Zorn. The whole hiring process was a disaster, but maybe they got the right guy in the end. Only time will tell on this, and it is way to soon to even make a judgment. Right now, the Redskin franchise looks really bad to most outside the Washington area. So much for the good that Joe Gibbs did with his return to coaching.

And finally, the Washington Nationals start Spring Training this week and their new baseball stadium is on-time(and budget) to open in April. The Nats looks much better on paper this year and could possibly surprise a few teams with a wildcard run this season. The starting pitching just needs to stay healthy.

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