Thursday, May 20, 2004

Aloha Jasmine

American Idol contestant Jasmine Trias was voted off the show last night, leaving just Diana DeGarmo and Fantasia for the final showdown next week. I really feel that Jasmine was "forced" from the show this week by the constant negative remarks by the Idol judges over the past few weeks. Jasmine had become the "voting" fan front-runner this season just a few weeks ago, when the judges began to see her as a possible winner and started to downgrade her performances. And Jasmine's singing did start to suffer due to this stress added by these judges, who clearly favored Fantasia from the start of this season. Well, the judges get their way and Jasmine will not be in the final, but she is a winner. She has demonstrated a lot of maturity and class for a 16 year old from Hawaii, and I predict a bright future for her. Aloha Jasmine - I will miss you and wish you all the best.

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