Friday, May 28, 2004

Love Courtney fashion?

I guess Cortney Love is making a fashion statement here? Rock singer Courtney Love, who over the past few months has been accused of rampaging bad behavior, pleaded guilty Tuesday to being under the influence of cocaine. As Love stood in a Los Angeles courtroom listening to her fate, she wore a pale yellow floral print dress with a short lilac cardigan. The dress suggested the fragile, slightly off-balance demeanor of the classic woman in distress, perhaps something Roxie Hart might have worn for her day in a "Chicago" courtroom. The sad little cardigan, with its horizontal stripes, vaguely recalled a letterman sweater -- but one plucked from the Goodwill store. It had the poor look of something unexpectedly found rather than sought out, and it subtly suggested that perhaps Love's lawyer was working pro bono...Washington Post

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