Thursday, October 07, 2004

Space race for $50 million

A Las Vegas hotel magnate who is hoping to build the world's first commercial space stations launched a challenge offering $50 million to the creators of the first privately funded spaceship to reach orbit.

Robert Bigelow, who owns Budget Suites of America, formally announced the long-rumored prize just a day after the first privately funded spaceship rocketed out of the atmosphere and won the $10 million Ansari X prize, which was designed to spur commercial spaceflight. Bigelow acknowledged that reaching orbit would be much harder than briefly popping into space as SpaceShipOne did. "To be honest, I think it's a long shot," he said of any team's chances of winning the prize by 2010 as required.

SpaceShipOne, built by aircraft designer Burt Rutan and financier Paul Allen, had to travel at about three times the speed of sound in order to reach the 62-mile altitude required to win the Ansari X Prize. An orbital spacecraft has to travel six times faster and four times higher, and, like NASA's space shuttle, also requires more extensive heat shielding.

Bigelow will front half of the $50 million America's Space Prize, and he is seeking sponsorship for the other half."If no one steps forward, we'll cover it," he said. "We just want to make it happen." To win the contest, which is limited to U.S.-based ventures, a team must build a five-seat spacecraft without government money and send five astronauts into orbit above the Earth twice within 60 days.

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