Friday, March 06, 2009

Sports Update

Well, it's finally March and Spring is right around the corner. It has been a cold winter here in Washington, D.C. and the only measurable snow(8 inches) just happened this week.

Looking forward to baseball and the Washington Nationals this season. The team should be much better this year and can play above .500 for the first time since baseball's return to Washington. I still think Jim Bowden was a good GM and has put together a good team for this year and future years.

The Washington Capitals look like they are ready to make a serious run for the NHL title this year with Alex The Great leading the way.

The Maryland Lady Terps with the 2009 ACC basketball championship already secure they look like good bets to make a run for another NCAA championship. The mens team need some more wins and a little luck just to make the NCAA playoffs. But if they do, they could make a little run(maybe the sweet 16) themselves.

The Rdskins keep signing the wrong people in the off-season(Haynesworth). When will they learn?

The Washington Wizzards?? Georgetown Hoyas?? Not sure which is the more disappointing this season. Both are bad, but the Wizzards just keep changing parts and none seem to work.

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